
ESESFM is one of the reference institutions in the scientific field of Nursing and its Department of Postgraduate Training in Health has been permanently sought after by Nurses who wish to invest in the acquisition and improvement of their skills, taking into account the demands of their performance, as has been disputed by numerous health organizations that intend to establish protocols and collaboration partnerships, in order to guarantee places on courses for some of their professionals.

The success of this Department's training offer is due to the work of an entire team: trainers, collaborators, administrative support staff, guest teachers and many partners who, over time and persistently, overcoming various obstacles, have always made themselves available to take advantage of all development opportunities to do more and better, consequently managing to catapult the ESESFM brand.

Se o início aconteceu com dois ou três cursos, entre os quais o muito bem-sucedido Curso de Pós-Graduação em Prevenção e Tratamento de Feridas (13ªEdição), o tempo proporcionou a reformulação de propostas e estimulou a criação de novas conceções da formação pós-graduada em saúde, nomeadamente, Cuidados Paliativos (10ª Edição), Enfermagem de Neonatologia, (4ª Edição), Intervenção à Pessoa em Situação Crítica (14ª Edição), Enfermagem do Trabalho (7ª Edição), Enfermagem de Saúde Familiar (14ª Edição), Gestão e Inovação em Saúde (8ª Edição), Endoscopia Digestiva (2ª Edição) Instrumentação Cirúrgica (2ª Edição), entre outros. Muita diversidade, para garantir formação para todos os ambientes e necessidades.

The Emergency area was another innovative investment by the Department. Initiated in postgraduate training, through the much sought after Postgraduate course in Intervention for People in Critical Situations, it ended up arousing the interest of younger people and, as soon as possible, Basic Life Support with and without AED, Adult and Pediatrics, and the ABCDE Victim Approach, became contents of the Study Plan of the Nursing Degree Course.

Seminars, Workshops, book launches and other events of a scientific, training and cultural nature are promoted by this School Department.

Integration into the CEU Group brought to ESESFM and its Department of Postgraduate Training in Health, renewed hope, added stimulus and the certainty of belonging to an institution committed to the high-level qualification of its students, as well as the development scientific and technical knowledge of the health professionals who seek it.

Therefore, in the ongoing concern to meet the training needs of all health professionals, the Department continues to structure good training proposals for professional updating and improvement.